Acupuncture CEU Course Testiomonials
Did this course meet its stated objectives?
- Yes, it exceeded my expectations based on the objectives I read on the website.
- Yes, the course was very clear and well organized.
- Yes, absolutely above and beyond my expectations!
Did the instructor demonstrate adequate knowledge of the course objectives?
- Yes, they were very well informed and answered all of my questions clearly.
- Yes, both instructors demonstrated extensive knowledge in the subject area.
- Yes, above and beyond!
- Yes, they are the experts of their subjects! Very good!
- Yes, they both had excellent knowledge & experience.
- Yes, very much so.
Did the instructor utilize appropriate teaching methods?
- Yes, very informative.
- Yes.
- They had an overhead, chalkboard, handouts, etc, so yes.
- Yes, perfectly.
- I liked their dual teaching approach, nicely timed breaks, and the great snacks.
Do you feel that you will be able to apply what you have learned today to your practice?
- Yes, I look forward to utilizing the learned skills.
- Yes, everything I learned today I will try to apply to my practice.
- Yes, very much so.
- Yes, this knowledge of food and medicine is very helpful and very informative.
- Yes, I will be able to apply what I learned tomorrow.
Would you recommend this course to other licensed Acupuncturists?
- Yes, absolutely!
- Of course.
- Yes, this is a great course.
- Yes, absolutely, very good CEU course.
Additional Comments:
- Wonderful teaching, thank you!
- What an excellent seminar!
- Very good seminar, I highly recommend them.
- I found these doctors to be very friendly, approachable, and helpful.
- One of the best CEU courses I have had.
- Wonderful, so well organized, I love the handouts they give out, easy to follow and understand, thank you so much.
- A very enjoyable CEU course in a very comfortable setting.
Back to current course offerings.
Parking Info
On Sundays, parking is free on the street; in coin operated parking spots; and there are also two free parking lots between North and South Santa Monica Blvd.
Registration Form